

Current Projects


State Street Drainage and Pavement Repair.

If you’ve driven east out of the Village in recent years, especially in the winter, you’ve probably encountered water and ice on the road surface. We are giving some much-needed attention to the drainage in this area. This includes replacing four under-performing catch basins, repairing a large catch basin, adding one completely new catch basin, and installing several hundred feet of new pipe.

The drainage work and gutter curbing were completed in 2020.

The project will conclude with pavement work in the area in 2021.

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Union Street Renovation.

Work has begun to prepare Union Street for serious rehabilitation in 2021. We are currently replacing water service lines between the main and curbside shutoffs. Once complete, we will replace aging drainage basins, pour gutter curbing, mill and resurface the street.

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Main Street Sidewalk

We are planning on replacing a stretch of Main Street sidewalk (north side) between Key Bank and the Post Office.

Completed in 2021


Demolition of Sodus Hotel

Although it is with deep sorrow that our community loses this once-iconic structure, the time has come to say goodbye to this crumbling building.
At the urging of Town Supervisor Johnson and Village Mayor Englert, the Wayne County Land Bank acquired the property known as the Sodus Hotel. Demolition took place in late March.
The Land Bank will conduct environmental studies on the property (which was once a gas and service station) later in 2021.
In 2022, the Land Bank will perform environmental remediation on the property, making it available for development in 2023.

Completed in 2020

Maple Avenue Railroad Crossing



For more than 60 years, the railroad crossing on Maple Avenue has been problematic. The Village partnered with the Ontario Midland Railroad, supporting them in their quest for State and Federal grants to get this unsafe and unsightly crossing updated. Funding finally came through in 2018 . . . but for crossings other than this one.



The Railroad worked with the State and Federal agencies that awarded the grants, and convinced them to consolidate the funding for the other crossings and use them for this project instead. The Village once again supported those efforts, pledging to perform drainage upgrades and road reconstruction whenever the work on the rails could be performed. In September and October of 2020, the work was done. Three rails have been reduced to a single rail. Sidewalks have been provided on both sides of the street (there were none before), and safety gates have been installed for both car and pedestrian traffic.

Mill Street Renovation Project



Identified in 2015 as the street in our village most in need of an overhaul, the Village began saving money in order to give Mill Street a complete makeover. In 2016, a new sidewalk was installed the length of the street on the west side. In 2017 and 18, work was completed on the underlying water system while more money was set aside to pay for the upcoming project. In 2019, with enough money now available, work began.



The project included the removal of existing curbing, the installation of new curbing, the milling of the old blacktop to a depth of two inches (where the old concrete street surface lies), and the addition of four inches of new blacktop. This phase of the work replaced the street surface from Main Street to the Mill Street Extension. Because the street surface was now two inches higher, it became necessary to replace the sidewalk on the east side of the street, as well, to prevent pushing rain water into people’s lawns and driveways..
In 2020, we had the drainage on lower Mill Street upgraded and the pavement all the way to the school’s driveway was completed.
In 2021, we will add striping and replace a few worn street signs.

Street Light Upgrade



Our old sodium vapor street lights were owned by RG&E and were costing us a fortune in rental fees and energy use. In fact, the Village spent nearly $840,000 on our street lighting since the mid-1980s, when they were installed!



In 2020, the Village purchased the old fixtures and hardware from RG&E, and replaced them all with LED lights. The quality of lighting has improved, and monthly charges have been reduced by 65%!
A handful of fixtures on Orchard Terrace and West Main Street are having issues with hardware. The Village is working with the provider to get these issues resolved.

Around the Village

Completed in 2019