Village of Sodus News
Sodus Village Earns NYS Climate Smart Community Bronze Level Certification
Governor Kathy Hochul recently announced that the Village of Sodus has earned the prestigious Bronze Level of Certification in New York State’s Climate Smart Communities Program. The honor recognizes eight years of hard work in which the Village has implemented policies that save money while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making the village more climate resilient. The next measure of the village’s on-going success will be the Silver Level of Certification
The certification process is voluntary for municipalities who have pledged to be Climate Smart Communities. After being designated five years ago by the state as a Clean Energy Community, the village wanted to challenge itself to achieve the next level of fiscal responsibility and sustainability. Highlights of the village initiatives recognized by the state were its implementation of:
a climate smart advisory board,
a system to track and reduce village energy usage over time,
LED streetlighting,
LED lighting systems at the Sodus Municipal Building,
new policies for solar permitting and new construction energy efficiency,
a process to develop on-going climate action planning.
These highlights are a few examples of well over thirty Climate Smart Community initiatives that the Village of Sodus has completed to build a sound foundation for its sustainable and fiscally responsible future.
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